Karavel CLI¶
The Karavel CLI tool is a utility that helps to manage GitOps repositories for installing Karavel on Kubernetes clusters.
Binaries for all mainstream operating systems can be downloaded from GitHub.
The CLI is packaged as a Flake. You can run it as a simple command:
nix run github:karavel-io/cli <regular karavel arguments>
nix run github:karavel-io/cli render --debug
Or you can import it in another flake.nix
, e.g. to add it to a devShell:
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
karavel.url = "github:karavel-io/cli";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, karavel }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
karavel-cli = karavel.defaultPackage.${system};
in {
devShell = pkgs.mkShell { buildInputs = with pkgs; [
By appending a refernce at the end of the Flake URL you can select:
- a specific tag/version:
- a Git branch:
More information on references can be found on the Flakes manual.
The CLI is packaged in a container image and published on Quay and GitHub.
You can run it like so:
# Inside a Karavel project directory
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/karavel -u (id -u) quay.io/karavel/cli:main render
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/karavel -u (id -u) ghcr.io/karavel-io/cli:main render
Stable releases are tagged using their semver (x.y.z
) version, with aliases to the latest patch (x.y
) and minor (x
) versions.
This is what you should be using most of the time.
The main
tag points to the latest unstable build from the main
branch. It's useful if you want to try out the latest
features before they are released.
From sources¶
Instructions for compiling the tool from source code can be found on GitHub.
karavel init¶
Initialize a new Karavel project
karavel init [WORKDIR] [flags]
--force Overwrite the config file even if it already exists
--github-repo string Override the official GitHub repository containing the tagged Platform releases
-h, --help help for init
-o, --output-file string Karavel config file name to create (default "karavel.hcl")
-v, --version string Karavel Container Platform version to initialize (default "latest")
Global Flags:
--colors Enable colored logs (default true)
-d, --debug Output debug logs
-q, --quiet Suppress all logs except errors
The Karavel team regularly publishes recommended selections of components with matching versions that can be used as a starting point for your clusters.
These starting configurations are completely optional and can be tweaked to accomodate your specific setup, or you could write your own from scratch. However, they are a useful starting point as the provided component versions combinations have been carefully tested to ensure they are fully compatible with each other.
This command will download the recommended base config for the latest version of Karavel to the current directory:
$ cd /tmp/karavel
$ karavel init
Initializing new Karavel latest project at /tmp/karavel
Fetching latest release version for GitHub repo karavel-io/platform
Writing config file to /tmp/karavel/karavel.hcl
To download a specific version of the Karavel Container Platform instead of the latest one, you can pass the --version
flag to karavel init
with the desired version.
$ cd /tmp/karavel
$ karavel init --version 2021.1
Initializing new Karavel 2021.1 project at /tmp/karavel
Writing config file to /tmp/karavel/karavel.hcl
You can now safely edit the karavel.hcl
file to configure the platform based on your environment. There are a few
parameters that some component need in order to properly function, like OIDC and Cloud providers credentials. More
information is provided in the next pages.
karavel render¶
Render a Karavel project with the given config (defaults to 'karavel.hcl' in the current directory).
This command is idempotent and can be run multiple times without issues.
It will respect changes made to files outside the 'vendor' directory, only adding or removing Karavel-specific entries.
It will, however, consider the 'vendor' directory as a fully-managed folder and may add, delete or modify any file inside it without warning.
karavel render [flags]
-f, --file string Specify an alternate config file (default "karavel.hcl")
-h, --help help for render
--skip-git Skip the git integration to discover remote repositories for Argo. WARNING: this will render the Argo component inoperable
Global Flags:
--colors Enable colored logs (default true)
-d, --debug Output debug logs
-q, --quiet Suppress all logs except errors
karavel render
is the primary tool used to manage Karavel GitOps repositories. It takes a HCL configuration file
that describes the required components, their version and their parameters, and generates the appropriate Kubernetes
manifests for them.
These manifests will install all the required components in one go from a set of curated packages maintained by the
Karavel project.
The command will also enable or disable bits of configuration based on the available components, enabling useful
integrations without the user having to worry about wiring all the pieces together on its own.
One common example would be adding ServiceMonitor definitions to all the components that provide Prometheus metrics if
the prometheus
component is added to the configuration, so that metrics can be scraped and visualized in Grafana.
Once bootstrapped a new cluster is completely self-managed, with ArgoCD acting as the GitOps engine in charge of maintaining the deployed services in sync with their manifests stored in your Git provider of choice.
Changing a configuration and redeploying becomes as easy as committing and pushing to a Git repository.
Check the Quickstart Guide to see this tool in action.