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This section will guide you through the first bootstrap of a new Karavel cluster from scratch. It assumes you have a general knowledge of Git and Kubernetes and know your way around a command shell.



  • the karavel CLI tool
  • git, kubectl, kustomize installed on your local machine
  • admin access to a running Kubernetes cluster. Minikube is fine for a simple, local deployment for testing purposes.

The karavel CLI can be downloaded from GitHub.
Alternatively, you can build it from source. You need Golang 1.18+ installed to build it.

go install

More instructions for installing the CLI can be found here.


Karavel delegates the handling of secrets and credentials to an external service. This approach has been chosen in order to avoid having secrets stored in plain text inside Git repository or needing complex encryption mechanisms to protect them.

Karavel leverages the External Secrets controller to fetch credentials from the backing service and convert them into regular Kubernetes Secrets objects to be consumed by pods. This way no changes to the application or special tools are required.

Credentials needed by core Karavel components are provisioned using this same method. This includes Git provider credentials for ArgoCD, DNS providers tokens for managing DNS records and OpenID Connect client secrets for authentication.

The exact secrets required by each component are referenced in their specific page in the Components section. They need to be provisioned beforehand and External Secrets needs the appropriate permissions to access them, otherwise the platform will not be able to run. They can be managed using whatever method is preferred, being it manually or via Infrastructure as Code tools like Terraform or CDK.

Repository setup

Karavel builds on the principles of GitOps, whereby the entire state of the system is written to git repositories and periodically synced with the live cluster.
Let's prepare a new repository.

$ mkdir my-karavel-infra && cd my-karavel-infra
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/my-karavel-infra/.git/

Now we are ready to generate the base Karavel manifests for deployment.


Each Karavel component is packaged and distributed as a Helm chart. The Karavel CLI tool then uses these charts to generate the final YAML files that will be installed on the cluster. Ideally, as an end user you will never need to interact with the charts directly.

Here is a super quick demo of the bootstrap process.

The CLI tool uses a simple HCL file to describe the required components and their configuration. Components will also automatically enable or disable some optional features based on what other components are available. For example, a component may enable metrics collection if prometheus is present as well.

A component definition consists of a named block featuring the required version, target namespace and configuration params that will be used to render out the manifests.

component "name" {
  version = "major.minor.patch"
  namespace = "target-namespace"

  # Params

  param1 = true

  param2 = {
    example = "value"

Here is an example with the cert-manager component:

component "cert-manager" {
  version = "0.1.0"
  namespace = "cert-manager"

  letsencrypt = {
    email = ""

Write your desired selection of components to a file called karavel.hcl. The karavel render command will use this file to assemble a plan and render the proper configuration.


Instead of writing the karavel.hcl file from scratch, it is recommended to run karavel init to fetch the base config from the official repository.
The Karavel team regularly publishes recommended selections of components with matching versions that can be used as a starting point for your clusters.
To download a specific version of the Karavel Container Platform instead of the latest one, you can pass the --version flag to karavel init with the desired version.
See the CLI reference for more information.

When you're satisfied with your configuration, simply running karavel render in the same directory as the file will download the required components from the repository and generate the appropriate directory structure.

$ karavel render
Rendering new Karavel project with config file /tmp/karavel/karavel.hcl

Rendering component 'loki' 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT at karavel/vendor/loki
Rendering component 'velero' 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT at karavel/vendor/velero
Rendering component 'goldpinger' 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT at karavel/vendor/goldpinger
Rendering component 'argocd' 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT at karavel/vendor/argocd
Rendering component 'cert-manager' 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT at karavel/vendor/cert-manager
Rendering component 'dex' 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT at karavel/vendor/dex
Rendering component 'external-secrets' 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT at karavel/vendor/external-secrets
Rendering component 'external-dns' 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT at karavel/vendor/external-dns
Rendering component 'prometheus' 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT at karavel/vendor/prometheus
Rendering component 'grafana' 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT at karavel/vendor/grafana
Rendering component 'tempo' 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT at karavel/vendor/tempo
Rendering component 'olm' 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT at karavel/vendor/olm
Rendering component 'ingress-nginx' 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT at karavel/vendor/ingress-nginx

Here's a view of the generated folders.

├── applications
│  ├── argocd.yml
│  ├── cert-manager.yml
│  ├── dex.yml
│  ├── external-dns.yml
│  ├── external-secrets.yml
│  ├── goldpinger.yml
│  ├── grafana.yml
│  ├── ingress-nginx.yml
│  ├── kustomization.yml
│  ├── loki.yml
│  ├── olm.yml
│  ├── prometheus.yml
│  ├── tempo.yml
│  └── velero.yml
├── karavel.hcl
├── kustomization.yml
├── projects
│  ├── infrastructure.yml
│  └── kustomization.yml
└── vendor
   ├── argocd
   ├── cert-manager
   ├── dex
   ├── external-dns
   ├── external-secrets
   ├── goldpinger
   ├── grafana
   ├── ingress-nginx
   ├── loki
   ├── olm
   ├── prometheus
   ├── tempo
   └── velero

The vendor folder contains Kubernetes manifests for all Karavel components. Files in this folder are not supposed to be edited by hand, as any change would be overwritten by future Karavel updates. If you need to customize them follow the Customization guide.

The applications directory contains ArgoCD application manifests that are used to register the vendored components with the GitOps engine. These files can be safely edited to customize how ArgoCD manages them.

The projects directory contains ArgoCD project manifests. It will only contain one project, infrastructure, which is used to group all installed Karavel applications. Feel free to add your own.

Finally, kustomization.yml is a Kustomize stack that references all the vendored components that are needed to bootstrap the cluster, as well as the application manifests, and can be used to install the entire platform in one go. Once the bootstrap components are up and running, ArgoCD will pick the rest of the applications up and take care of deploying the rest of the stack.

To bootstrap the cluster, run the following command while connected to it:

kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -


Due to the way kubectl applies multiple manifests at once, there may be some race conditions between created resources. If you get some errors along the lines of no matches for kind "AppProject" in version "" just rerun the command again.
Also notice that some custom resources provided by non-bootstrap components (e.g. ServiceMonitor provided by prometheus) will fail to install because their component is not part of the bootstrap process. This is fine and can be ignored. Once ArgoCD is up and running it will take care of updating the missing parts.

You can check that all bootstrap components are correctly deployed by running kubectl get pods --all-namespaces.

Git Push

Now that the repository is ready we can commit and push it to the upstream remote.

git add --all . && git commit -m "Bootstrap new cluster"
git push origin main

Once pushed ArgoCD will automatically pick it up and start syncing the manifests with the cluster state. New changes can be deployed by simply committing them and pushing to origin.

Congratulations, you are now running a full fledged Karavel instance!

Next steps

Updating components

Karavel publishes regular updates to its components, either to fix or improve their manifests or to introduce new features and integrations between them. Updates are also released when a new Kubernetes version is published, to keep components compatible (see the Karavel compatibility matrix).
You should really strive to maintain your clusters up to date with the latest Kubernetes release, and Karavel should be updated consequently.
To do so, simply change the required component versions and update the parameters if necessary based on the updated documentation, then rerun the karavel render command. This command is idempotent, so it is safe to run multiple times.